docker pull命令-从远端拉取一个image

pull 从远端拉取一个image

Usage: docker pull NAME[:TAG]Pull an image or a repository from the registry

大多数images来自 Docker Hub registry.

Docker Hub 包含很多images (fouhua)

同样也可以指定其他的服务器来获取 (https://, for example).

To download a particular image, or set of images (i.e., a repository), use docker pull:


$ docker pull debian

# will pull all the images in the debian repository
$ docker pull debian
# will pull only the image named debian:testing and any intermediate layers# it is based on. (Typically the empty `scratch` image, a MAINTAINERs layer,# and the un-tarred base).
$ docker pull registry
# manually specifies the path to the default Docker registry. This could# be replaced with the path to a local registry to pull from another source.