Emacs tags 查找


M-. tag <RET>

Find first definition of tag (find-tag). 

C-u M-.

Find next alternate definition of last tag specified. 

C-u - M-.

Go back to previous tag found. 

C-M-. pattern <RET>

Find a tag whose name matches pattern (find-tag-regexp). 

C-u C-M-.

Find the next tag whose name matches the last pattern used. 

C-x 4 . tag <RET>

Find first definition of tag, but display it in another window (find-tag-other-window). 

C-x 5 . tag <RET>

Find first definition of tag, and create a new frame to select the buffer (find-tag-other-frame). 


Pop back to where you previously invoked M-. and friends.